- Company lists, search & filters - Let job seekers find the best company through keywords and advanced search filters.
- 1-1 chat between companies and job seekers – Jobseekers can directly talk to hiring managers through integrated 1-1 chat& breakout rooms. Engage effectively with our most secure online job fair platform.
- Video calls with companies – Organizations or hiring companies can directly set up a video call to interview & select the right candidature for their open positions.One of the onlinejob fair platforms features that drives engagement and makes hiring simpler.
- Allow company job openings& presentations in booths - Organizations can showcase their job openings & presentationson the 3D exhibition booths. Fill up your booth with company details, office tours, live presentations, brochures, videos and more.
- Schedule meetings with the job seekers directly - Companies can schedule 1-1 interviews & meetings with interesting profiles. Our built-in meeting scheduler allows faster scheduling & meaningful collaborations.
- Sponsors zone – Check out sponsors’ zone. A special feature to build sponsorship opportunities & carry sponsor activities.
Build the Right Engagement for Job Seekerswith the Best Virtual Job Fair Platforms
Highlight Sponsors & Company Profiles with Interactive 3D Exhibition Booths
- Get access to highly interactive 3D, 360° booth models that brings companies and job seekers together on one plane. One of the best virtual job fair software features to highlight sponsors & companies.
- Job seekers are allowed to view and download company business cards where they can gather crucial information like hiring manager contact details, etc.
Custom Job Boards Make Hiring Better & Easier
- Attract the right & best talents through custom job boards.
- Job seekers can access diverse job openings and company information and also submit a request form for companybrochure.
Hiring Made Easy with our Virtual Job Fair Software
- Virtual auto-match feature captures job seekers/employer interests and automatically pairs them up with the right match without wasting any time of both employer and job seeker.
- On our platform, job seekers and employers can engage seamlesslythrough live chats, video calling and more.
Virtual Job Fairs Promotions: Start Early to Make it Big
- Call for registration on your own website. With just a simple code embedded, you can turn your website into a virtual job fair platform. Launch promo codes for exclusive promotions.
- Promote your jobs & companies in our 3D, 360° branded, interactive booths.
- Plan & promote your job fair few weeks or months before. Announce bookings and offers in advance.
- Send timely email reminders to remind the job seekers about the virtual job fair.
- Engage and promote your job fairs virtually through social media walls.
- Encourage audience to apply directly to jobs in one click.
Call for Job Applications Even After the Online Job Fair
- Keep your booth active even after the job fair and till your hiring is completed. Allow your sources to reach out and apply even post-event.
- Access and manage all the job applications on one floor – the control panel. Download resumes, schedule interviews live or offline post-event.
Capture Insights &Optimize your Next Online Job Fair for Real Success
- Capture real-time insights & analytics of job seekers or applicants.
- Capture reports in diverse, shareable formats.
- Capture reviews. Learn how the experience was and what your employees are really looking for, with custom feedback forms.

Get Started with your Virtual Job Fair in Minutes
Flying Start

Set up your virtual job fairin just 5 mins; No technical knowledge required
HexaFair Event panel

Get a very detailed, 360 view of what is happening at the fair. Manage all elements of your fair at a single place

Works on almost all browsers, desktops and mobiles. No download required
24*7 Support

Get 24*7 support and detailed evaluations from industry-best experts
360° Branding Package

Besides lounge, booths, logos & sponsor banners, we can help you to get the entire venue matching your brand/event theme
Full Event Journey

Market your brand before, during and after the event. Keep your booths contents & recording sessions videos even after the event. Let your audience come back and attend key sessions post-event
Digital Twin

We will help you create your organization’s digital twin to generate exact replicas of your venues and campuses for your virtual job fair
Ready to Hire Faster with the Best Virtual Job Fair Software?
Talk to our experts. Explore top features and solutions for a hassle-free hiring.